Kamis, 21 April 2016


Hey come again with me. Im so proud to be here because soon, the second term it is going to be done. Until now i got a lot of experience and knowledge. Espesially on midterm test. I had a little bit mistakes on my midterm test but my Lecture said to me that i have a good story, and good grammar but I didn't followed the rules 😥. And i got minus score. But i catch the minimum score. I got 70 up. Yeahh.. that was make me so proud.

And after that, our lecture gave us a work. Like international cultural day, narative story and the last is journal three.
But until now,I'm still learn and need to improve my writting skill. And my grammar. On my first class until the second journal I'm still used translator to writte my story, but noe I try to writte by my self. So I'm really sory if a have a mistakes in my writting today haha😀. Actually, I love this class. Because I think this class is very nice. My friends are very kind and The Lecture is kindly too. If i need help they are always help.

And for my final test soon. I am going hard work. More active in the class and try to find the new words, vocab,and training to writte where ever i go haha👻. So that is all what i got in my writting class until now. Maybe if i have a wrong on my work, please gift a comment and I will try to learn from your suggest guys. See in the next post. BHOYAH🎆

1 komentar:

  1. Hi Fimo, we would like to see your first part of imaginative story to be posted here, as you have missed the April-8 event....
