Kamis, 28 April 2016


Vain Glory

One day. Twin brothers was born. The names are Ringo and Samael. But Samael is called Saw. Ringo has a handsome face, good body and good intelegent. And Saw is ugly, and his’s skinn is green and yellow. When they're was a child. Their Father teach them how to fight and gave them a weapon to protect their self. Ringo has a big different with Saw. Saw is very lazy and when they are fight one by one Ringo always got the big score than Saw. And The Father is very proud to Ringo. And then, Saw is angry and left from home.

Saw left and he want to find the new place and he found the big forest . Life in the wild spirit makes Saw more stronger than before. He is very strong but Ringo still has a more power than Saw. Someday, Saw found the new place, little village. The village have a lot of strong fighter. When Saw came into the village, he must fight with the other fighter. And then. Saw versus 23 fighter but Saw is the winner.  After that, Saw is become a king on that village. That village is the enemy of his’s father’s village.

And someday Saw’s army told him that the enemy village want to steal their big diamond called Vain. But Saw is did not know who’s the enemy. And Saw told the army to prepare for the battle. And then, the battle began. Saw is getting ridiculous. He kills the enemy like a dragon. And the big fight is waiting for him. Saw broke the defend of the enemy and he almost won the war. Saw is used a mask because his’s ugly face so the enemy can’t see his face. And Ringo and his’s father joined the war. And Saw must killed them to win the war. Saw knows Ringo and his’s father but Ringo and his’s Father did not know if he is Saw. And Ringo attack Saw and the father is help RIngo to killed Saw. And Saw’s First army is came and help Saw. The name of the army is Phinn. Phinn attack Ringo and Ringo is almost dead. Saw’s father is can’t do anything and just hiding behind the big rock. Saw is almost dead to after Ringo is attack him and he won’t to attack back. Phinn is come to Ringo and want to kill Ringo. When Phinn swinging sword to the Ringo, Saw is ran and blocked Phinn and Saw are punctured by Phinn. Phinn is very surprised and very fear. Because Phinn killed his’s King. Ringo and the father  is surprised to. The Father out from the hideaway. Saw off the mask and Ringo and His’s Father is very surprised. Saw protect Ringo who’s want to killed him. Ringo tears and speechless. Because Ringo’s almost killed his’s older Brother who’s didn’t attack Ringo and Protect Ringo. Finally Saw is dead. Ringo is very sad and Ringo and the Father hug Saw.

War was ended. There is no win or lose. There is a peace. And Saw Rest in peace. 2 villages become a family. They are built the new world and Saw’s tomb in the middle of the 2 villages.

Kamis, 21 April 2016


Hey come again with me. Im so proud to be here because soon, the second term it is going to be done. Until now i got a lot of experience and knowledge. Espesially on midterm test. I had a little bit mistakes on my midterm test but my Lecture said to me that i have a good story, and good grammar but I didn't followed the rules 😥. And i got minus score. But i catch the minimum score. I got 70 up. Yeahh.. that was make me so proud.

And after that, our lecture gave us a work. Like international cultural day, narative story and the last is journal three.
But until now,I'm still learn and need to improve my writting skill. And my grammar. On my first class until the second journal I'm still used translator to writte my story, but noe I try to writte by my self. So I'm really sory if a have a mistakes in my writting today haha😀. Actually, I love this class. Because I think this class is very nice. My friends are very kind and The Lecture is kindly too. If i need help they are always help.

And for my final test soon. I am going hard work. More active in the class and try to find the new words, vocab,and training to writte where ever i go haha👻. So that is all what i got in my writting class until now. Maybe if i have a wrong on my work, please gift a comment and I will try to learn from your suggest guys. See in the next post. BHOYAH🎆

Gemini horoscope Public Properties Having a social nature are quite high but have no permanent establishment . Often have a way of thinking that is different for each state .

Gemini including intelligent person and can think of the possibilities that will happen . If honed , Gemini can predict what will happen
Gemini included People who can see his interlocutor. A reflection of his interlocutor but more polite . If his opponent be polite then he could be more polite than that

originality Intelligent and free-spirited nature makes it so agile . While doing the job he can do other work although previous work has not been completed . He is very open and always beingo nice.

So that is not all but the most important think about gemini's zodiac